Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday Pen Pals with Yolanda Ashton

A Will for Love Blurb

Lanya gave her love and trust to a man, only to find out their relationship was a lie. Shattered  she decides she’s never give her heart to anyone again. But when her ex, Mikael LockRidge, offers her a proposition she can’t refuse Layna finds being with him , makes it hard to resist the sensual pull between them.
Blackmailed to commit an act that still haunts him, Mikael accepts his current loveless relationship as karma. But when he receives unexpected help from the grave, Mikael realizes he wants back what he loss--  he just has to convince the ex he gutted- to let him back in her life and her heart.

Layna hurried in, her eyes connecting with Mikael as soon as his apartment door closed behind her.
“I came as soon as I got your message.” Concern etched her face. “What’s wrong? Your message said it was important.”
Layna’s heart rate had skyrocketed when she received the text from Mikael telling her it was an emergency and to come to his apartment as soon as possible.
Expecting to see chaos as soon as she entered, Layna stopped and took a deep breath noticing for the first time that everything looked calm, including the sender of the text.
Something was not right here.
“Mikael, what’s wrong?”
His blue eyes were chilly and his usually messy black hair was styled perfectly giving him a debonair look. She asked as she realized he was dressed in business attire. Mikael’s usual style was rocker meets prep. He left her and other girls drooling when he wore his trademark tight black tee and faded blue jeans. Although the black suit fit his lean, muscular six–foot-plus frame nicely it also made him look cold and detached. She had jokingly referred to it as his LockRidge armor. He only wore his ‘armor’ when he had to deal with his father.

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Author Bio
Yolanda Ashton is the alter ego of a thirty-something mother of three. Throughout daylight hours she’s an educational professional and during the nights (when she’s not daydreaming, reading and/or  watching vampire drama) she’s writing, hanging with family and trying to recover from a day spent with middle school students.
My two favorite things to do in the world (outside of family) are reading and writing-I fell in love with words at an early age. I love creating worlds with them and entering new worlds designed by them. Throughout my life I’ve always felt the epitome of a great “me” day is one spent reading a book or creating one.
Things I love:
The Vampire Diaries (Damon Salvatore…need I say more)
The Originals (Loving Klaus in all his bad-ass glory)
Pop music
Marvel Super Hero Movies
Favorite Genres to Read:
Romance (New Adult, and Paranormal)
Young Adult

Links and other info
A Will for Love is scheduled for release on February 11th. Visit my site for buy links and other info

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yolanda, Love the cover and excerpt. Best of luck with sales. :)


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