Sunday, October 5, 2014

Friday Pen Pals with Larynn Ford

Friday Pen Pals with Larynn Ford as she shares with us her new book Dreams Come True


The vicious slaughter of cattle brings Lynzi Lancaster and her fiancé, Layne Brady, a Fae raised in the human world, to the aid of his human parents. A neighbor with a grudge has returned to the area to settle a score.

Lynzi is only mildly shocked to find the tall tales her granddaddy had told so many years ago about black panthers roaming the woods near their home were not only true but also had a twist. The animals were werepanthers.

The renegade panther believes Lynzi is a witch and threatens her life when Fae magic is performed nearby. Now, it’s up to Lynzi and Layne to bring down the big cats and keep her alive.


Larynn Ford began reading romance in her early teens and became interested in writing in high school. She’s a daydreamer and a romantic who is intrigued by the paranormal and loves to let her mind wander, always searching for a happily ever after ending to her dreams.

She began reading with a renewed passion in 2006, fell in love with romance all over again, and began thinking how much fun it would be to create a fantasy world all her own.

To her delight and constant amazement, her first book, IN MY WILDEST DREAMS was released April 16, 2013. Her desire for more grows constantly. She’s going to keep on writing, dreaming, and searching for those happy endings.


“I can’t quite put my finger on it, either. I think Aunt Pet should come out here and see what she thinks,” Layne agreed.

If it was magic, Aunt Pet would know for sure. What kind and where it came from. As we continued farther across the pasture, movement in the tree line at the edge of the field caught my attention. Although I was certain I was safe from any possible harm, the sight of a massive black cat stopped me in my tracks.

I sucked in a sharp breath and gasped as I did my best to absorb the sight of the mammoth cat watching our group from the distance. I didn’t want to make any sudden moves to startle him for fear he would attack. My hands shook, my heart pounded, making it hard to breathe. I swallowed hard. “Layne, Lake. The trees to the left.” The super-sized cat sat inside the tree line and studied us before he stood and slipped behind the trees out of sight.

“I saw him, darlin’. I think it was Tom. But don’t you worry now, you’re safe.” Layne circled the nape of my neck with his hand, sliding his thumb back and forth in a soothing fashion.

I reminded myself I was in the safest hands possible with a Fae warrior on either side of me but I remained on high alert.

My desire to circle Layne’s waist with my arm for my own comfort was powerful but I realized how strange that would appear to anyone watching so, I shoved my hands in my pockets to maintain a more normal air.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Was this what Granddaddy Lancaster had seen all those years ago? “Layne, he was huge.” Layne eased his arm around my waist and tucked me close to his side, assuring me I was indeed safe with him at my side.

At that moment, a man stepped from behind a tree, and started toward us. Tall with broad shoulders, dark, curly, shoulder-length hair, and dark eyes, he was dressed in jeans and a white pull-over shirt that stretched across his chest as if it had been applied with a paintbrush. His smile was broad and sparkling white teeth gleamed against his bronzed skin. He slung his hand over his head in greeting. Lake waved back and signaled our welcome. As he approached, he greeted Lake and then Layne as if he saw him standing with us. Layne’s hand tightened on my back tugging me closer to his side.

“Lake, Layne, it’s good to see you again. And you must be Lynzi. The Bradys have told me all about you. I’m Tom Monroe.”


Look forward to chatting and hearing from my fellow bloggers.